About US

C-PAP Furniture Solutions was founded in High Point, North Carolina to address
a very personal need of the co-founders Kyle Klawetter and his wife Tiffany
Janovak…..the equipment needed for the treatment of sleep apnea and snoring!

Having spent twenty five years working in NYC at the most successful fashion
brand in America, Tiffany’s taste level is very reflective of both her time at Ralph
Lauren as well as design influences from her many mentors along the way. As
one of 22 million Americans who suffer from moderate to severe levels of
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Kyle uses a C-PAP machine to sleep safely and
soundly….and while extremely helpful the machinery does create a very
“Medical/Hospital” like feeling on his nightstand. This reality created a question
for them both….how can we continue the use of the C-PAP machine while also
creating a beautiful bedroom void of the visible medical equipment?

With a combined 50+ years in furniture, with contacts in every aspect of furniture
manufacturing and design and using a solution-driven approach to design and
engineering they began working on the idea of creating a beautiful, designer
nightstand that could conceal the C-PAP machine and hose….and C-PAP
Furniture Solutions was born. We use a “Patent Pending” design that creates a
beautiful way to eliminate the unsightly clutter of the C-PAP equipment on a
nightstand manufactured in North America.

Now you can sleep in a room that is tasteful, elegant and beautiful, void of any
visible medical equipment….beautiful uncluttered sleep”

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